
About the Orb Phenomenon

Orbs seem to be many things to many people and people have lots of things to say about these delightful beings. There are many web sites now devoted specifically to orbs. This site is here to enjoy and to enlighten.

Through my experience with orbs, I've noted some interesting things:
  • I have an emotional connection with them. I can feel their presence as well.
  • Since the time when I first photographed them in 2002, my experiences with them have expanded to where some repeat their behavior in my presence.
  • The shapes of the orbs are not only circular. Some appear as parallelograms, prolates, 3-d box shapes suspended in mid-air, oblates, diamond and kite shapes, squares, cubes etc.
  • One of the things I find is that there are an infinite number of things we can co-create orbs to be: Some can be spirits of the departed. Others can be fairies, spirit guides, angels, water sprites, forest, plant or animal divas. Some are planet, moo
  • I've noticed that orbs can coalesce and co-create with us... consciousness with which we are at one.
  • Orbs are highly electromagnetic as are we.
  • Orbs will interact with us if we want them to.
  • Orbs appear unannounced.
  • Orbs have a tremendous sense of humor.
  • Orbs can be photographed in motion day or night, indoors or out, singly or in family groups, and in many shapes, sizes and vibrant or light colors.
  • Orbs help in the healing process be it emotional, spiritual or physical.
  • Orbs as luminosities appear in and around flying aircraft, around campsites, in the crop circles, in homes, gardens, and parking lots. They really enjoy parties and occasions where people are having fun.
  • Orbs are unconditional love. They appear anywhere and anytime... unannounced or upon request... in the heat of the day or in a driving rainstorm.
  • Orbs know and understand that I am photographing them.
  • Orbs made the Big Dipper shape for me 2 hours after I had been outside contemplating that exact constellation. The result is in Andrea's Gallery.
  • Orbs can appear to be extremely large or very tiny.
  • Orb will consciously place themselves in between branches of bushes in my garden. They show me time and again that they know what they are doing.
  • The more that I focus on orbs, the more they appear and situate themselves and interact with me.
  • Orbs can be documented under any conditions and in any circumstances if they are around.
  • Orbs can be photographed with any type of camera: digital (for instant viewing), disposable, single lens reflex, instamatics, view cameras, etc.
  • When one is in a relaxed, high frequency vibe that matches the frequency of the orbs, then viewing them with your eyes is one of the many possibilities that can occur.