Watching Over Me

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I had been having some really difficult, frightening times with my bipolar sister. I was locking my bedroom door with all my dogs and cats inside at night, because she was in a really manic, destructive phase. My boyfriend, who lives in England, calls me on Skype and we often watch films or play scrabble, etc., long into the night. One particular night, when I'd had a really emotional day, I fell asleep reading while he was watch videos on YouTube. When he looked at me sleeping, he saw a large, round orb sitting between me and the door. It was there the better part of an hour, and then just disappeared. It didn't fade. It was just gone. The second time was two nights later. This time a mist is evident, coming from the wall, like a trail behind the orb as it moved. This time it was there over an friend finally drifted off. It seemed benign, as my cats and dogs were not the slightest bit disturbed by it. I haven't seen it with naked eye, but I often feel the cold on that side of the bed. I don't feel frightened because it comes when I'm upset or afraid. I think it's beautiful. I like the idea of having someone looking out for me.
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